IHRB values the positive impact that different experience and perspectives contribute to our team. We encourage applications from all backgrounds and communities and are committed to having a team that is made up of diverse skills and abilities. We welcome applicants from groups that are under-represented in our field or who may face institutional barriers in accessing opportunities, including Black, Asian and ethnic minority candidates, and persons with disabilities.

Job Opportunities

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Academic Placements

Opportunities may be available for students who receive academic credit or a stipend to undertake an academic placement with IHRB. Proposals should be sent to info [at] ihrb.org and must include the dates of availability, areas of work interest and available academic credit or stipend. IHRB is able to offer work experience rather than 'office experience' and welcomes proposals from students based across the world, who will be supervised remotely. 


IHRB does not offer unpaid or ad hoc internships. Any remunerated internship positions will be advertised on this page where available. Please do not send speculative internship applications.