Senior Visiting Fellow

5 years ago

Urban Land Institute (ULI)

Part-time, Remote
Mid-senior level
Part-time, Remote
Mid-senior level

About Us

ULI - the Urban Land Institute is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit research and education organization supported by its members. Founded in 1936, the institute now has over 40,000 members worldwide representing the entire spectrum of land use and real estate development disciplines, working in private enterprise and public service. As the preeminent, multidisciplinary real estate forum, ULI facilitates the open exchange of ideas, information and experience among local, national and international industry leaders and policy makers dedicated to creating better places.

About the Role

ULI is seeking to engage a Senior Visiting Fellow to explore how privately-owned third places can better contribute to individual and community health and well-being. We are interested in both indoor and outdoor environments and are particularly interested in intersections between these spaces and mental and social well-being, socio-economic mixing, and community and social connection and cohesion. The Senior Visiting Fellow will help advance knowledge by undertaking research in collaboration with ULI members and staff. The Fellow will be engaged by ULI on a part-time basis for a oneyear period, (subject to a one-year extension) and provided with a stipend plus reimbursement of travel costs. The Fellow will be affiliated with the ULI Center for Sustainability and Economic Development. The ULI/Martin Bucksbaum Senior Visiting Fellow will conduct research resulting in a series of white-papers or a research report. ULI is able to provide limited research support to the fellow. ULI will assist the fellow in accessing ULI members and partners for interviews, surveys, focus groups, and other research activities. ULI will have final review authority for the report and will be responsible for professionally editing and producing the final product(s). Candidates should propose a research agenda and identify key research areas and questions. ULI is flexible about the specific aspects of the research, but it should be consistent with the issues identified in the “background” section of this scope, and it should be relevant to the interests and needs of ULI members.

About You

The ideal candidate will have an extensive background in sociology, urban planning, retail development, community development, public health, or related topics. Candidates should have the ability to develop work products independently, and to work productively with a variety of stakeholders.

What We Offer

The ULI/Martin Bucksbaum Senior Visiting Fellow will have a part-time, 10-20 hour per week contract, for one year. The Fellow may be attached to a university, affiliated with another organization which has approved this work, or independent. In addition to monthly payments, the Fellow will be reimbursed monthly for meeting and travel expenses. The Fellow will submit monthly invoices reflecting the number of hours worked, tasks completed, and deliverables submitted, in addition to travel expenses. Working location and arrangements are flexible. This position is generously funded with a gift to ULI from the family of pioneering retail developer Martin Bucksbaum, founder of General Growth Companies (now known as GGC Inc.).

International Candidates

This job is available for international candidates.