Viadrinicum is an annual summer school devoted to the countries of the Eastern Partnership, and the larger context of Central and Eastern Europe. This year's edition is designed as a digital transsectoral lab on (post-)migration, aiming to tackle the notion of (post-)migrant society from multiple theoretical and methodological angles.
With the help of online academic seminars the school will allow its participants to deepen theoretical insights into the topics of (post-)migration, convivial diversity and multilocal belonging. Among others, the programme includes the following contributions:
- Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick (Frankfurt/Oder), Postmigrant Perspectives: What Is Their Use in Understanding Urban Diversities and Inequalities?
- Dr. Darja Klingenberg (Frankfurt/Oder), Who Needs Migration Research? Methodological Critique and Research Strategies
- Dr. Tsypylma Darieva (Berlin), Post-Migrant City between Cultural Difference and Cosmopolitan Sociability
- Dr. Anne Holper (Frankfurt/Oder), Conflict Mediation in the Context of Diversity
- Peggy Piesche (Berlin), Doing Diversity
- Case studies of migration-related civic and cultural initiatives from Kyiv, Wrocław, Chișinău, Moscow, Berlin
Parallel to that, the school also features three lab.workshops (Art.Lab, Doc.Lab, Research.Lab), where the participants will be able to enhance practical and methodological skills, by means of developing their own small (team) projects under the close guidance of professional supervisors. Due to the potential restrictions for international travel, participants' activities within the framework of these workshops will be carried out in the countries of their residence with the help of local partner organisations.
Besides that, there will be an online film screening, public discussions, and an Open Space sessions, where participants will have a chance to discuss their own scientific or cultural projects with others. The European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) will be able to offer up to 25 travel scholarships (up to 200€), that will allow participants to arrange a visit to the partner organisation in their respective country. This scholarship can also be used to cover transportation and accommodation expenses that might be necessary for implementation of participants' projects.