About the Programme
What we are organizing
The RN37 – Urban Sociology of ESA is organizing its first Summer School for Young Urban Scholars, an event entirely dedicated to PhD students and young non-tenured researchers.
This event will be held in Genoa (Italy) on September 4-6, 2023.
Why we are organizing it
This event is the result of the continuation of a path that started with the Young Scholars Pre-Conference Day in Berlin last October 4, before RN37 V Midterm Conference. It also draws on feedback that emerged during the RN37 Business Meeting in Berlin with the RN37 members and the young scholars who joined to the conference.
Who's Coming
This event is planned to strengthen specific urban research skills, foster soft skills and interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary expertise. PhD students and young non-structured scholars will also be able to discuss and receive feedback on their work from senior researchers with high reputation in urban studies.
About You
People who are interested in joining the Summer School are requested to:
- Submit a motivation letter (max 2 pages) and a CV (max 5 pages)
- In case they are accepted, applicants will be requested to submit a full draft of a paper/proposal/chapter to receive a feedback during the summer school.
About Us
ESA is an academic association of sociologists and a non-profit Europe-wide association made up of 3000+ members. It was established in 1994-95, following deliberations and consultations among sociologists from a diverse range of countries.