About the Event
The RAM Colloquium is a forum for discussing the latest research in the field of geospatial information science. This time, Dr Jorge Gil, Associate Professor in Urban Analytics and Informatics from the Spatial Morphology Group, Chalmers University of Technology, will share his ongoing work in the field of City Information Modelling, reflecting on how increasing availability of high-resolution geospatial data covering environmental, functional, economic, or social aspects offers new opportunities to develop richer descriptions of the territory, and how, in turn, these complex descriptions can be formalised and integrated in digital planning practice.
Who's Coming
Researchers, PhD students, planners and practitioners and everyone interested
About Us
The Spatial Modelling Lab (RAM) is a cutting edge research centre at the interface of geographic information science, spatial planning, and geography. We are committed to understanding how geographical spaces are reflected in information structures. In this context, our research investigates conceptual representations of geographies, as well as their processing and modelling. These themes are also reflected in our teaching portfolio, which covers a wide range of topics, including quantitative geography, urban and spatial analytical methods, and selected computer science topics relevant to planners.