About Us
As part of their welfare state regimes, local administrations have realised in the past a variety of infrastructures for the health and well-being of their inhabitants. Not only hospitals or housing but also parks, cultural and community centres, sports and recreational facilities. Their effectiveness is challenged today by interlinked dynamics of real estate speculation, internal and external migrations, growing precarity and environmental challenges.
In response to this, community-based initiatives have emerged that reclaim vacant buildings and sites and experiment with site-specific infrastructures of care and solidarity, filling the infrastructural voids ‘left behind’ by an overstretched public welfare state. These community welfare mixed infrastructures -or WELCOMINs- are laboratories for radical urban transformation and individual and collective emancipation. Going beyond single-issue politics and policies that prioritize the needs and rights of some groups over others, they feature mixed-use programs, hybrid spatial morphologies and horizontal forms of governance.
Funded by Innoviris in the framework of the Prospective Research programme, the WELCOMIN project will investigate community welfare mixed infrastructures in the Brussels Capital Region under different demographic and vacancy conditions represented by three scenarios: the Resilient City, the Breathing City, and the Fluid City.